About Our Fastener Installation Press

About Our Fastener Installation Press

What is Fastener Installation? Fastener installation is a process of sheet metal fabrication that involves pressing a threaded insert, also known as a threaded bush, into an object to add a threaded hole. Without this additional depth and stability, working with sheet...
DB Sheetmetals Introduce New CNC Machine

DB Sheetmetals Introduce New CNC Machine

It is official: DB Sheetmetals have acquired the new EM MII series CNC punching machine at our base in Suffolk. This new machine is set to highly develop our production, and manufacturing of sheet metal. This is exciting news for us, and here you will be able to find...
Sheet Metals with DB in 2021

Sheet Metals with DB in 2021

Businesses are now looking ahead to the new year and laying plans for projects that are to be started after the festive break. Those in manufacturing, petrochemical, military and automotive businesses are likely to be looking into their options, assessing their costs...